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How To Tackle Office Days On Your Periods

We have all experienced similar situations when our periods started while we were at work. It’s a scary scenario, but it can’t be avoided. But we can take steps to make our workplace a place where all women feel comfortable getting their periods. Here are some tips and techniques for organizing your workday and breaks. 


It might be challenging to work during your period. Are you one of those people who wishes your period will begin on the weekend so they can have a productive workday the following week? If you believe that menstruation has an impact on productivity, you’re not alone. We’ve all experienced one or more of the following: cramps, days with excessive menstrual flow, acne, and mood swings. But as the saying goes, “when life hands you lemons, create lemonade.”

How To Tackle Office Days On Your Periods

Here are some suggestions for handling periods and PMS at work:

Monitor your cycling.

How To Tackle Office Days On Your Periods

Planning is essential when working. On days when you’re menstruation, it’s even more important. Therefore, be careful to be aware of the day(s) when your period is expected so that you may prepare for them and make plans appropriately. You may download a variety of apps from Google Play to keep track of your period.

Create a schedule for your job.

The greatest time to organize is while you are on your period. Utilize this opportunity to do tasks you have been putting off the entire month. Organize and declutter your files and workspace. To be ready to put everything into practice once your probationary time is up, arrange your workday and conduct preliminary research for your forthcoming tasks. Try to avoid attending crucial new client meetings, employment interviews, or any speaking engagements in front of an audience.

How To Tackle Office Days On Your Periods

Make yourself a “period care kit.”

How To Tackle Office Days On Your Periods

Now that you are aware of the day and time of your period, be sure to be ready. Subscribe to the monthly Nua pack to eliminate the need for shopping and simplify your life. Cramp Comfort hugs your body and uses self-generated heat to keep you comfortable for eight hours, ensuring that you experience no period discomfort.

Eat well and frequently.

Prepare a few healthful, portable snacks that you may eat periodically. Make sure to eat often, but in smaller amounts; at this time, your metabolism needs all the support it can get. The best options are foods with iron and lots of veggies. As a late-morning snack, pack some pomegranate seeds, berries, bananas, or citrus fruits. For an evening snack, combine dates, walnuts, and almonds. Remember to avoid caffeine and salty foods as they might worsen mood swings and create bloating.

How To Tackle Office Days On Your Periods

Take in a lot of water.

How To Tackle Office Days On Your Periods

While it’s important to drink lots of water throughout the day, it’s especially important while you’re on your period. This helps you stay energized all day long and reduces bloating and dehydration.

Give to yourself.

Although having a period might be difficult, it is no excuse to mope about all week. Even if you don’t feel well, dress nicely. Attempt to appear beautiful. You feel better when you look well. Spend this time doing whatever generally makes you feel good about yourself. Wear the shoes you purchased last month, or get some flowers for your workplace.

How To Tackle Office Days On Your Periods

Don’t skip a workout

How To Tackle Office Days On Your Periods

Reduce the intensity of your daily workout program if it is too demanding. Don’t forget to perform brief stretches and breathing exercises to improve blood flow and relieve period discomfort. Yoga and meditation are excellent ways to decompress. Exercise instantly releases endorphins, and around that time of the month, we could use some happy chemicals.

Conclusion, rather than dreading your period, all you need to do is take care of yourself and plan your work around your uterus so that neither you nor your work has to suffer. If you like the information below, subscribe to “fun in the office” for humorous office gossip and tips on how to organize your workspace.

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Last modified: April 17, 2023
