Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a device that could assist us forecast the precise day of our monthly period? We would avoid a great deal of hassle. When you discover that your monthly period has just begun at the worst possible time and location, searching around for a tampon or sanitary napkin is nothing short of a hassle. When our periods began at work, we have all been in such circumstances. Although it is a frightening situation, it is unavoidable. We can take action to make our workplace a period-friendly environment for all women, though.
Upkeep a period kit

First, we need to develop the habit of always keeping a tampon or sanitary napkin in our handbag. Really, always. Our periods may show up at the worst possible moments. Keep the sanitary items you use and other necessities for your period in a pocket in your bag. It makes it reasonable to include hand sanitizer and sanitary wipes among your necessities. In some offices, the female restrooms have dispensers for sanitary napkins. Discuss it with your HR department. If it doesn’t work, talk to every female coworker and set up a shared period kit at the workplace. Knowing that you have a kit at work in case of emergency will be a huge comfort. Make a list of all the females and give each one of them the duty of monthly kit replenishment. You can also include underpants in your supply kit. Although we try to prevent them, menstruation leaks occasionally cannot be prevented. Having additional undergarments on hand would be quite helpful in such situations. Carry an extra pair of underwear, and if your periods are really heavy, keep an additional pair of old pants at work. Wear dark or black clothing on cloudy days. If there is a leak, it will assist to conceal the stains.
Pills to treat menstruation pain
It’s best to stay away from medications as much as possible. However, it is preferable to take an aspirin while at work if period cramps start to annoy you and interfere with your day’s job. For days when your period cramps are particularly bad, keep some pain relievers at your place of employment. It will be necessary for you to focus on your work and block out any suffering.

Bottle of hot water

Yes, this is a must. To prevent it from affecting your work and efficiency, you must make sure that the 8–9 hours you spend at work on your period days are pleasant and trouble-free. Bring your hot water bottle with you to stay warm, relieve stress, and reduce cramps and pains related to your period.
Green Tea
Everyone enjoys having a warm object to keep them cozy and at ease at certain times. Additionally, herbal tea aids in PMS symptom relief. The most effective treatment for PMS symptoms is red raspberry leaf tea, sometimes referred to as a women’s herb. Other excellent choices are cinnamon tea, chamomile tea, ginger tea, and peppermint tea. Try out the many choices to determine which one is best for you. Drink 2-3 cups of herbal tea daily to keep calm and unwind at work during your period days. They are calming and wholesome.

Chocolate, Dark

We all require a little indulgence during our periods, so why not. Magnesium-rich dark chocolate helps to relieve menstruation cramps. When you’re having your period, dark chocolate can ease your tension and improve your mood. So remember to bring a bar of dark chocolate with you to work; it’s a terrific way to quell your cravings and boost your energy.
Make an advanced work plan.
This is also a pretty good one. You could feel down and grumpy over the first two days, which can be rather exhausting. To keep the workload light on these days, plan your tasks. On these days, skip all crucial meetings and client calls since you wouldn’t want to go out. If you simply aren’t feeling it, take a break and unwind at home. Call it a day because your body needs to relax, and start again tomorrow.

Period, friend

Having someone to talk to and express your views and feelings with is always beneficial. We require a companion to get us through these challenging times. Have a chosen period friend who will support you and understand your situation so that you can finish the day strong. You’ll feel prepared to face the day with a cup of tea and some friendly conversation with your friend.
Conclusion, it will take some forethought, but as the months go on, you’ll see that just a few straightforward procedures may help you make period days at work comfortable. You wouldn’t want to miss out on work because of your periods if you had assistance and ease at work. if you like the above content then subscribe to “fun in office” for humorous office gossip and tips on how to organize your workspace.
Last modified: April 17, 2023